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IT Newslett for Staff - Dec 2017
for StaffDec 2017

Online eMail Archive and EasiShare Online Storage  LIVE 


EasiShare and Online eMail Archive were launched on 1 Dec 2017 for all NP full-time staff. 


a) EasiShare

   • Full-time staff are assigned 50GB of online storage; accessible on campus or from

      home via VPN. 

   • Launch EasiShare from a desktop client or web browser.

      i) EasiShare Desktop client – click on EasiShare icon from the system tray on the

         right bottom.

     ii) Web browser -

  • You can simply backup files by dragging and dropping files/folders into the

     Personal Drive folder.


You may refer to the EasiShare guide for more details.

b) Online Email Archive

    • You can find the Online eMail archive as an additional folder in your Outlook left

       navigation panel. The Online Archive is 25GB.  You may create sub-folders to

       organize your archived mail. 

    • The 25GB of Online Archive is for you to place your old email archives in there. 

       Avoid using external harddisks to store your email archives as those harddisks are

       easily misplaced.

    • You may access your Online Archive from anywhere. Just login to VPN when you

       are on NP Wireless or out of campus.


The presentation slides for the mass briefing sessions conducted at the end of Nov 2017 can be found HERE.

You can simply backup your email by dragging and dropping your email messages into the Online Archive folder.


Please note the default retention policy is assigned to automatically archive emails to the Online eMail archive that are 2 years or older


To change the Archive/Retention Policy, click on Assign Policy button and select the appropriate archiving period. 

Refer to the Online Email Archive guide for more details.


Beware of Online Phishing Activities


There has been a recent spate of phishing emails and website links sent to colleagues, and purported to be from popular social media services, international bank, or the senior management of a company.


These phishing emails or websites are meant to trick user to provide sensitive information like login names, passwords and credit card information. Phishing activities cannot be fully prevented as new malicious sites are created on the Internet constantly.


Be watchful for tell-tale signs and do not follow the instructions in the phishing email/website. For example:

1) Emails with suspicious content


2) Check the website’s URL

    Phishing URL are usually misspelled or doesn’t reflect the actual URL of the


Legitimate URL


Phishing URL


3) Be careful of malicious pop-ups

   Popup is a common method used to infect computer with malicious programs.

   Popular browsers such as Chrome and Firefox have in-built popup blocker. You are

   encouraged to switch on that security feature.


You may visit the websites below to know more about phishing:

System Maintenance


No scheduled system maintenance for this month. 

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